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Holding On

Holding On

5 1/2 years. That’s roughly how long I’ve been working on this novel. 6 years. That’s how long I’ve been trying to figure out writing and me and life. 2,138 days of recovering from PTSD, spilling my heart onto the paper, growing as a writer, editor and person, and...
Hello Again, Hello

Hello Again, Hello

“Hello, my friend, hello Just [blogged] to let you know I think about you ev’ry night When I’m here alone And you’re there at home, hello ~ Neil Diamond, “Hello Again” As I write this I wonder if you still visit here. Do you still...
Gratitude in Action

Gratitude in Action

Gratitude conjures for me thoughts of words expressed and notes written. It’s always saying thank you. It’s being aware of what I have and how lucky/blessed/privileged I might be. But this weekend, as I served lunch to low income/homeless members of my...